Barriers to physical activity: agreement between the perceptions of parents and children
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This paper seeks to analyze the concordance between the responses of children aged 8 to 9 and their parents or guardians, by proxy-report, on the basis of an instrument proposed for this purpose, about barriers to the practice of physical activity in children. This is an observational study, with a cross-sectional design. The sample was composed of 70 students enrolled in schools in the urban area of the municipality of Uruguaiana, Brazil and their parents or guardians. A number of barriers to the practice of physical activity in children were collected through an instrument validated by Proxy-report, consisting of 24 questions. The instrument was answered by the children and their parents or caregivers and the correspondence of the answers was assessed (Kappa Index). After one week the questionnaire was completed again (retest) by the same children, checking the reproducibility (Kappa Index). None of the questions obtained agreement between parents’ and children’s responses on the children’s barriers to physical activity practice (minimum Kappa of 0.4). Regarding the reproducibility of the children’s responses in test and retest, the values ranged from 0.10 to 0.68 and 11 of the 24 questions obtained minimum agreement values. As a conclusion, there was no agreement in the responses of parents and children on the barriers to the practice of physical activity in children.
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