Pedagogy of teacher training: An articulation between teaching and outreach

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Andrea Anahí Rodríguez


This article aims to share a pedagogical proposal in the training of Physical Education teachers developed to open up the possibilities for trainees who are doing their teaching practices to broader areas of performance and intervention. This pedagogical proposal was implemented in teaching practice courses, one of whose objectives is the initiation of trainee students within schools in the formal education system as well as the actualization of their performance as teachers in Physical Education classes. Due to the debates that were taking place, the implementation of other practices emerged as necessary, aside from school practices, so as to enable the analysis of situations from other perspectives and to contrast different and diverse logics. Thus, the pedagogical proposal for teacher training in Physical Education consisted of articulating the training processes and the actions of an outreach project that had been under development since before making this decision. In this sense, teaching how to teach Physical Education is a complex issue that represents a dynamic process. For this reason, on this occasion, a possible alternative that articulates outreach and teaching is presented, which makes it possible to broaden debates on teaching practices and teacher training.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, A. A. (2022). Pedagogy of teacher training: An articulation between teaching and outreach. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 24(4), e238.
Author Biography

Andrea Anahí Rodríguez, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Departamento Educación Física - JTP


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