Conceptions of the game in the Life in the Nature in the formation of teachers of Physical Education

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Nicolás Viñes
Facundo Ramirez


Argentina's Physical Education teaching training programs focused on body practices in the natural environment, and there is usually reference to games. Based on the study of 102 programs, this work analyzes said recurrences. Within the framework of the research project "Teaching Discourses in Bodily Practices", the aim of this work is to identify the relationship established between the practices. Physical Education throughout its theoretical tradition has conceptualized the Game as natural and biological, as a teaching instrument and as a useless act. On the other hand, and in contrast to this theory, there is a position that gives the game the character of bodily practice, highlighting it as knowledge to be taught. Thus, this study seeks to relieve the disciplinary tension between these two conceptual positions in the discourses of the teaching promoted in the subject "Life in Nature" of the Physical Education course of study, focusing on identifying which is the current hegemonic perspective.


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How to Cite
Viñes, N., & Ramirez, F. (2020). Conceptions of the game in the Life in the Nature in the formation of teachers of Physical Education. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 22(2), e129.


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