A proposal of assessment of physical fitness for general population: Dickens Battery
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The aim of this study is to present a set of sufficiently accurate and feasible tests to evaluate physical fitness in Argentinean adults of the general population. Through a non-systematic review of the literature, field tests were selected that were sufficiently feasible, accurate and with a history of use in Argentina. These tests were 20-m shuttle run for cardiorespiratory fitness, Modified seat and reach for flexibility and Handgrip, Standing broad jump and Pushups in 30 seconds for muscle strength. These tests were administered by specialists to 410 physical education students from 18 to 29.9 years of age of both sexes, the belong to the initial and final stages of the course so as to build local reference values. The data were presented according to sex and age using percentiles, mean and standard deviation and the differences between groups were studied. Higher levels of strength and cardiorespiratory fitness were found in males than in females, while there were no differences between sexes in flexibility. Some tests presented differences between age categories, but these differences were not regular. The description of the results allowed us to present for the first time reference values of Argentinean adults for the evaluation of physical fitness in the general population.
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