Inclusive practices of students in teacher training

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Norma Guadalupe Màrquez Cabellos
Adriana Isabel Andrade Sánchez, Dra


Offering quality education, equality, equity and relevance is not an easy task for professors of students in teacher education; because it implies challenges in how to teach, in what and how to evaluate from an inclusive vision. A quantitative investigation is presented on the inclusive practices in the training of students enrolled in the three degrees offered by the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Colima: Sport and Physical Education, Math Teaching and Special Education. 269 students participated completing the Guidelines for the Evaluation of Inclusive Practices in the Classroom -GEPIA- (Garcí­a, Romero y Escalante, 2011). It was identified that there are highly significant differences in the perspective of the students of the three degrees in relation to good inclusive practices. We conclude that it is important to offer methodological theoretical tools to students in teacher training to attend the particularities and characteristics of the students of regular school; that is, to focus the attention of an education for all.

 It was identified that there are highly significant differences in the perspective of the students of the three degrees in relation to good inclusive practices. It concludes in the importance of offering methodological theoretical tools to students in teacher training to attend the particularities and characteristics of the students of regular school; that is, to focus the attention of an education for all.


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Màrquez Cabellos, N. G., & Andrade Sánchez, A. I. (2020). Inclusive practices of students in teacher training. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 22(1), e109.
Author Biographies

Norma Guadalupe Màrquez Cabellos, Universidad de Colima

Dra. en Psicologia por la Universidad Autònoma de Aguascalientes, especialista en atenciòn a las aptitudes sobresalientes y talentos especificos. Profesora investigadora en la Universdad de Colima. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de investigadores, CONACYT.

Adriana Isabel Andrade Sánchez, Dra, Profesora investigadora de la Universidad de Colima

Doctora en estadistica multivariante aplicada (Universidad de Salamanca, España). Profesora por horas y Coordinadora académica de la FCE-Universidad de Colima; México. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Candidata. Línea de investigación: aplicación de métodos estadísticos en ciencias sociales. 


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