Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of the use of interactive technologies in physical education classes

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Thaiene Camila Beltrão Moura
Diógenes Candido Mendes Maranhão
André dos Santos Costa
Vinicius de Oliveira Damasceno


It is widely known that the advent of technology continues to expand, especially in education. Interactive technologies are considered important tools to help teach different areas of knowledge. However, in Physical Education their use is still a challenge and there is a lack of studies that investigate the perception of those involved in this process and their ways of use. This study is cross-sectional, quantitative and aimed to verify the perception of teachers and students on the use of interactive technologies in Physical Education classes in three schools in the Metropolitan Region of Recife. Six teachers and seventy-one students were evaluated through the questionnaire adapted from Russell (2007), which measures aspects related to interactive technologies in teaching. A total of 61.9% of the students and 33.3% of the teachers considered that interactive technologies can promote effective teaching and learning. When questioned about the use of technologies in Physical Education classes, only 17% of the students stated that they were used regularly, while 83.3% of the teachers agreed with this. In conclusion, interactive technologies can help teaching if the process occurs according to a plan and with the preparation of teachers to mediate knowledge, contributing to student learning.


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Moura, T. C. B., Maranhão, D. C. M., Costa, A. dos S., & Damasceno, V. de O. (2023). Teachers’ and students’ perceptions of the use of interactive technologies in physical education classes. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 25(3), e271. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142561e271


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