Net height in beginner volleyball: manipulation and influence on performance

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Felipe Pinheiro de Araujo
Letícia da Fonseca Godoy
Roberto Rocha Costa


The objective of this study was to present information about: volume of play, ease or difficulties to attack or defend in volleyball and to quantify the technical-tactical gestures in games with different net heights, in order to provide information about the number of technical executions in each situation. Three games were played, the first with the net at 2.10 meters high, the second at 2.00 meters high and the third at 2.20 meters high. Game 1 had significantly fewer block attempts and more contacts with the ball; game 2 had significantly more block attempts; and game 3 had fewer contacts with the ball. In conclusion, changes of 10 cm in the net height do not cause significant changes in the ability to keep the ball in the air, in offensive and defensive difficulty or ease, and in the occurrence of technical-tactical gestures. The only variables that showed influence were block attempts and the number of contacts with the ball. Therefore, net height becomes an interesting variable to modify in the teaching of the technical-tactical block gesture and the number of contacts with the ball for beginners between 10 and 12 years old.


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How to Cite
Araujo, F. P. de, Godoy, L. da F., & Costa, R. R. (2023). Net height in beginner volleyball: manipulation and influence on performance. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 25(3), e267.
Author Biographies

Felipe Pinheiro de Araujo, Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, Brasil

Graduated in Physical Education (Bachelor's Degree) from Centro Universitário UniFUNVIC. Specialist in Sport Pedagogy from the University Center of Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU). Soccer 7 teacher/coach, teaching classes and private training and futsal and soccer teacher/coach in a social sports project. Researcher in the field of Sport Pedagogy, focused on volleyball teaching-learning-training methodologies.

Letícia da Fonseca Godoy, Instituto Nacional de Ensino Superior – Faculdade de Educação a Distância, Brasil

Bachelor's Degree in Physical Education from UniFUNVIC, he started his postgraduate course in Medical Sciences in Exercise and Sport in May 2021 at CEFIT University, in São Paulo and concluded it in November 2022. He started his second postgraduate course in Physiological Bases of Personalized Training and Sports Nutrition in November 2022, at INADES. He currently has a partnership in a Crosstraining Box in Pindamonhangaba. He has an office and works with online consultants, serving clients in various regions of Brazil and in some countries outside the South American continent.

Roberto Rocha Costa, Laboratório de Estudos em Pedagogia do Esporte - Universidade do Vale do Paraíba - Centro Universitário Fundação Universitária Vida Cristã, Brasil

PhD student in Physical Education at FEF-UNICAMP (Faculty of Physical Education at the State University of Campinas), member of LEPE (Laboratory of Studies in Sport Pedagogy) at FCA-UNICAMP (Faculty of Applied Sciences at the State University of Campinas), Master in Biological Sciences from UNIVAP - University of Vale do Paraíba, Graduated in Physical Education (Bachelor in Sports Training) from FEF-UNICAMP (Faculty of Physical Education of the State University of Campinas). Professor in Bachelor's and Teaching Degree courses in Physical Education at Univap - University of Vale do Paraíba; Professor and Coordinator of bachelor's and teaching degrees in Physical Education at UniFUNVIC - Centro Universitário; author of the Physical Education didactic material for the Polyhedron Teaching System; Invited professor in postgraduate courses at FMU and Estácio; Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Journal of Human Sciences.


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