Assessment in Physical Education: a problem of Contemporary Education

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Eduardo David Llapur


This paper questions a transcendental aspect of education and which our discipline, Physical Education (hereinafter EF), fails to incorporate and define clearly and precisely: evaluation. For this, they will be analyzed, from the first instance to the evaluation as a problem of education in general, to later introduce ourselves in our discipline; to the paradigms that prevailed, and prevail in our practices, and the conceptions that underlie them, which understand the body and movement as something natural and given, and the quantitative method as the most used for it. Trying to demonstrate how this position not only hinders and renders ineffective the process of granting a value judgment in the classes, but also that of all our daily practice, which denotes an urgent change.


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How to Cite
Llapur, E. D. (2023). Assessment in Physical Education: a problem of Contemporary Education. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 25(2), e255.


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