Causes of drop-out from rugby among children and adolescents in Argentina

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Juan Casajus


This paper presents a first analysis of a study of 302 rugby coaches at child and youth age in Argentina during the sporting year 2019. This inquiry is included in the writing lines of a doctoral thesis. The survey addresses study categories such as number of players (at the beginning and end of the year), recruitment formats and causes of dropout in rugby. This analysis is focused precisely on the causes of dropout in order to propose a first approach to understand the possible modifications in the number of players at the end of a sports year. The results show that the absence of empathy, the lack of adequate commitment and the ways of training (which include pedagogical proposals and the teaching of contact in the game) represent 68% of the reasons for dropping out of all participants. The rest of the percentage of the causes of abandonment are attributed to economic causes (fees or transfers), the relationship and role of the parents and, finally, the type of competition. Analyzing the inquiries, reliable information will be available so that rugby clubs can modify this situation.


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Casajus, J. (2023). Causes of drop-out from rugby among children and adolescents in Argentina. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 25(2), e254.


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