Performar como mujer en el kárate Olímpico: un análisis cualitativo del Mundial 2018

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Fabiana Cristina Turelli
David Kirk
Carlos María Tejero-González
Alexandre Fernandez Vaz


With this research we have tried to verify subjective processes of negotiation of the place of women in karate, understood as masculine, and elevated to an Olympic sport. Therefore, we carried out a qualitative study of an interpretive nature, using the techniques of collecting information, non-participant systematized observation and documentary analysis, contrasting the materials from the field with the literature. Our theoretical base has been supported by ethnographic and anthropological works that have in common, also with us, some degree of inspiration in the critical theory of sport. The observation has focused on the 24th Karate World Championships Madrid 2018. With the results and discussion, we preliminarily perceive, since it is the beginning of a major investigation, some elements for reflection, for example: a great demand of technical efficiency falls on the karateka woman; she is expected to present the ability to show hegemonic femininity objectively, sometimes even attesting to heterosexual orientation; it is valued in the environment that women correspond to beauty standards stipulated by the consumer industry, including stereotypes related to sensuality. In conclusion, the space designated for women in this masculine environment seems to require many negotiations for their acceptance and belonging.


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Turelli, F. C., Kirk, D., Tejero-González, C. M., & Vaz, A. F. (2022). Performar como mujer en el kárate Olímpico: un análisis cualitativo del Mundial 2018. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 24(2), e213.


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