Acute effect of a workplace physical activity session on mood
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The study intends to verify the effects of a workplace physical activity intervention on the humor of university employees in the workplace. Therefore, twenty-five subjects of both sexes and physically inactive, with an average age of 32.16 ± 9.64 years, were underwent to a ten-minute session of physical exercise in the workplace. Mood evaluations were performed using Brunel's humor questionnaire (Brums), in three periods: i) one week before the intervention (characterized as control); Ii) immediately before the physical exercise session; and iii) shortly after the session. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS® software (version 21.0 for Windows), with a significance level of 5%. It was observed that there were no changes between the mood state in the control period and pre intervention. In the comparison between pre and post evaluation, it was observed a maintenance in the aspect of vigor and a decrease in symptoms of tension (p <0.01), anger (p = 0.02), fatigue (p <0.01), depression (p <0.01) and mental confusion (p <0.01). The workplace physical activity intervention was able to positively influence the mood of the subjects under study.
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