Sexist teaching of rugby and soccer

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Juan Casajús
Lorena Berdula


This written advance proposes to investigate in a preliminary way the practices of teaching in rugby and soccer by examining the categories that emerge from them, using our own voice when trying to explain themand describing as it happens. This article aims to show some lines of didactic proposals for teaching rugby and soccer playing in amixed-non-binary way up to a certain age (up to 14 years old in rugby& up to 12 years old in soccer), taking as a basic consideration, the inclusion of subjects of different sexes and physical condition, in acontext of teaching and learning activities based on the characteristics that define these sports. We partially address gender conceptions that cross rugby and soccer, focusing on the voices of coaches in both sports. It is important to think about the perspective of genders and sexualities, intersectionality, feminisms and transfeminisms to then address inclusion, human rights, equity, equal opportunities and rights in the teaching and access to the practice of rugby and soccer, among others.


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Casajús, J., & Berdula, L. (2021). Sexist teaching of rugby and soccer. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 23(2), e170.


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