Effects of a physical activity program in schoolchildren

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Beatriz Pumar Vidal
Rubén Navarro Patón
Silvia Basanta Camiño


Objectives: To test the effect of a physical activity program, performed during school breaks with pre-sports games, on body composition and physical condition of Primary Education students. Methodology: we executed an analysis of the differences before and after the independent samples fitness tests and anthropometric measures (with a control and an experimental group), and p value of contrasts, conducted by statistical analysis with the program IBM SPSS 20.0. Application to 54 Primary Education students (boys and girls), aged between 9 and 11 years old. Instruments: 500 meters test (resistance); medicine ball toss test (upper body strength); horizontal jump test (lower body strength); 50 meters test (speed); deep trunk flexion test (flexibility). Results: An active lifestyle, practicing physical activity daily is related to improvements in fitness and body composition of its practitioners. Conclusions: A physical activity program, on school breaks of 30 minutes three days a week, produces improvements in BMI values and in the physical condition of the practitioner.


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How to Cite
Pumar Vidal, B., Navarro Patón, R., & Basanta Camiño, S. (2015). Effects of a physical activity program in schoolchildren. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 17(2). Retrieved from https://efyc.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/EFyCv17n02a01
Author Biographies

Beatriz Pumar Vidal, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Diplomada en Educación Primaria, especialista en Educación Física

Rubén Navarro Patón, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Departamento de Didactica de la expresión musical, plástica y corporal.

Coordinador del área de didactica de la expresión corporal de la Universidad de Santiago de Compotela

Silvia Basanta Camiño, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Graduada en Educación Infantil. Diplomada en Educación Infantil. Estudiante de doctorado en Educación