Game at the old age, stories of old men from Mar del Plata

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Débora Paola Di Domizio


This text attempts to problematise the topic of game at the old age. The author used the description of an experiment conducted in the city of Mar del Plata in the context of teacher education and whose participants were senior citizens and students in fourth year of their course of studies in Teacher Education in Physical Education in the province. The theoretical framework is provided by the bibliography studied in a Game Theory Seminar attended by the author in her journey to achieve a postgraduate degree as Master in Body Education and by other studies relevant to gerontology. Furthermore, the data obtained through
interviews in the fieldwork described here is the input needed to analyze both conceptualizations about old age and aging and the ideas and preconceptions about game in senior citizens. This data also allows the analysis of the games of yesterday and today and the multiplicity of meanings they acquire at the old age, from the voices of the protagonists of the experience


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How to Cite
Di Domizio, D. P. (2013). Game at the old age, stories of old men from Mar del Plata. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 14, 27–39. Retrieved from