Teaching and education of the childhood body: When language intercedes with "the alive"

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Cecilia Seré Quintero


This work attempts an approach to problematise the modern discursive configurations of didactics and pedagogy, in connection with childhood body. If we consider that language operates in the children's subjective by introducing a non-governable dimension requires rethinking the implications teaching and educating the body at school. There is no exclusive relationship between language, teaching, education and body. Teaching and education are always instances of speech, inseparable from the body and therefore attached to the structure of language. Body stays unfailingly captured, in that it is not something that runs solely on its imaginary dimension, and rather it is hinged upon the contingency of the inestability of the symbolic and the impossible capture of the real. The education of the body then, is the structured set of devices that goes around the inconsistency of the humane [while it produces it]


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How to Cite
Seré Quintero, C. (2011). Teaching and education of the childhood body: When language intercedes with "the alive". Educación Física Y Ciencia, 13, 35–50. Retrieved from https://efyc.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/EFyCv13a03