The change in body stressed to relaxed body through breathing, visualization and a protective environment together

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Evelyn I. Rodríguez Morrill
Sara Lidia Pérez Ruvalcha


This work shows several ways to meet and relax the body through personal knowledge and techniques encounter with nature. Modern life and fast, the constant pressure from childhood to adulthood, in the modes of interaction between individuals and groups, they lead to construction of bodies that reflect emotional anatomy visible loss of balance, contractures, inflammation, multiple imbalances by lack of knowledge and awareness especially being in the world fully, the person has moved away from its ecological relationship with itself and the environment. Methods are shown to positively change a condition of constant stress and chronic discomfort, a learned condition of physical and psychological wellbeing, with a series of movements, recovering the body through exercise, to tend to personal balance, obtaining a positive relationship with the environment and the people attended. The proposal starts promoting new habits that can be saved in consciousness. Partly, mainly of breath, alignment with the music and the environment and personal and group work


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Morrill, E. I., & Pérez Ruvalcha, S. L. (2008). The change in body stressed to relaxed body through breathing, visualization and a protective environment together. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 11, 81–91. Retrieved from