Capital simbólico e investigación. Una nota sobre el capital corporal
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In this text, Martin Uro, carries out a test about potential benefits of "teoría de campo (field theory)" by Pierre Bourdieu in three different levels. The first one concern the project of investigation, the second level regards the statute of this theory within Social Theory Contemporary and finally, this last level is about the position of the person who writes in the investigation field. The emphasis is in the level of the phenomenon that is built possibly due to the analysis of phrases of documents produced in the investigation field. Lastly, conclusions will be carried out as to the use of the category physical capital to name a subspecie of symbolic capital in command of the physical practices for the participation of Physical Education in a jail in the province of Buenos Aires.
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Uro, L. M. (2013). Capital simbólico e investigación. Una nota sobre el capital corporal. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 8, 37–49. Retrieved from
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