Rales in the (Physical) eEducation class: Standing out of one pedagorgy

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Sebastián Adolfo Trueba
Francisco Ramallo


The physical education class, in the normalized and colonized schooling, condensed the drowning of the gender-generic binarism norms. Standing out and in the necrocity of the celebration of a heterosexual pedagogy, in this text, we value an articulation of research, community-outreach and teaching experiences that breathe from a suffocating way of naming for the intellectualized critical pedagogy. Assmall noises and bubbling distractions from the failure of (Physical) Education, the immediate findings mobilize an indivisible plot between three communities in common: the Community-outreach Group called “Pedagorgy”, the chair of Education Theory and the Research Group on Education and Cultural Studies (GIEEC) of the Faculty of Humanities of the National University of Mar del Plata. Alluding to the metaphor of breathing with Kuir rales is a gesture that acts, from our respectful and irreverent viewpoint, in favor of the authorization of a dissident narrative for the education theories. Coming from education orgies, we draw from them a horizon that breathes like kuir in the here and now, in the here as queer and in the there as cuir.


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Trueba, S. A., & Ramallo, F. (2021). Rales in the (Physical) eEducation class: Standing out of one pedagorgy. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 23(1), e160. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142561e160


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