Formative Senses in Physical Education: Behind the implicit discourses in the pedagogical knowledge practices of the teachers of the field in formation

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Daniel Hincapié Bedoya


The article presents research advances associated with the master’s thesis that aims to recognize the implicit formative senses in the pedagogical knowledge of the teacher in formation of Physical Education in the Valley of Aburrá. In methodological terms, grounded theory is used and supported on an interpretative analytical basis endorsed by discursive analysis. Finally, the data obtained in the analysis and coding processes configured are discussed, and as research findings, the formative senses of yield, coexistence and sexism based on a discussion supported in the analysis and interpretation of the different codes found are put together.


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Hincapié Bedoya, D. (2019). Formative Senses in Physical Education: Behind the implicit discourses in the pedagogical knowledge practices of the teachers of the field in formation. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 21(4), e106.


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