Walking speed as predictor for functional disability in the elderly

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Kelly Nascimento Lago
Saulo Vasconcelos Rocha
Natália Silva Oliveira
Tatiana Lima Brandão
Andree Phillipe Pimentel Coutinho
Murillo Santos Souza


The objective of this study was to analyze walking speed as a predictor of functional disability (FD) in the elderly. This cross-sectional, epidemiological study was carried out in a Municipality of the State of Bahia, in the Northeastern Region of Brazil, with a probabilistic sample of 310 elderly people with an average age of 71.62 (SD = 8.15) years old, enrolled in the Family Health Units of the municipality. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed and the criterion discriminating the walking speed of 2.44 m (seconds) for functional disability was determined. The walking times that best discriminated the FD were ≥12.83 seconds for men and ≥10.77 seconds for women. It was concluded that walking speed has a good ability to discriminate the FD in the elderly and it can be used in the gerontological evaluation and in the survey of the health conditions of the elderly.


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Lago, K. N., Rocha, S. V., Oliveira, N. S., Brandão, T. L., Coutinho, A. P. P., & Souza, M. S. (2019). Walking speed as predictor for functional disability in the elderly. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 21(2), e084. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142561e084


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