Incentive of Psychosocial Components In The Trajectory Of Volleyball Athletes
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Aim: To compare the support of the psychosocial components in different phases of sporting trajectory in volleyball underage teams. Methods: A specific questionnaire based on the Developmental Model Sport Participation (Côté, 1999; Côté et al., 2016) was applied to 78 male athletes with an average age of 19.24 ± 0.9 years old from Brazilian national outstanding clubs. The chi-square test and the multinomial logistic regression were used to compare the level of support of the psychosocial components for the practice of volleyball and other sports in each phase of the sporting trajectory, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: The psychosocial components encourage not only the practice of the target sport, but also the practice of other sports. However, the encouragement of family members (p≤0.001), friends (p≤0.001) and coaches (p≤0.001) for the practice of volleyball increased during the course of the sport, the support to practice other sports remained stable. Conclusion: The psychosocial components play an important role in the sporting trajectory of volleyball athletes in Brazilian national outstanding clubs. By adding reflections on the importance of psychosocial components in an individual's sporting life, the findings provide clues to federations, clubs, and sports associations for structuring sport training programs in the sport.
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