The presence of phenomenology in physical education in Brazil: implications for the study of the body and other problematizations

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Felipe Quintão de Almeida
Valter Bracht
Filipe Ferreira Ghidetti


This paper discusses the uses of phenomenology in Physical Education in Brazil. In methodological terms, it describes five studies that belong to this theoretical framework in the field, represented by authors such as Silvino Santin, Manuel Sérgio, Wagner Wey Moreira, Elenor Kunz and Terezinha Petrúcia da Nóbrega. It problematizes some aspects of this reception, by highlighting not only its boundaries, but also the challenges for research and reflection within this tradition in physical education


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Quintão de Almeida , F., Bracht, V., & Ferreira Ghidetti, F. (2013). The presence of phenomenology in physical education in Brazil: implications for the study of the body and other problematizations. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 15(2). Retrieved from