Education in Physical Education in Brazil: other ways to think and to intervene in the public health system

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Yara Maria de Carvalho
Alessandro Rovigatti do Prado
Andréia Trevizan Alonso


What we present conveys a debate in public health/collective health field in Brazil in regard to the education in health, especially at the primary health care. The presentation also results from an intervention in the service of public health that involved students and a lectura from the undergraduate course in Physical Education and Sport at University of Sao Paolo. They saw themselves face to face with the challenges of meeting the health needs of people experimenting an interprofissional collaborative practice. The Program the Education in Service for Health (PET-Saúde) induced this differentiated education, this Program is one of the initiatives of Federal Government in search to approximate university (studentes and faculty), health services (health professionals) and users to the end of problematizing education in health, as well as to qualify attention and care in health. From the students ´participation in PET-Saúde, between 2010 and 2012, we emphasized the process of resignifying the field and the health concept itself, and the possibility of intervening by team work in the people ´s health needs.


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How to Cite
Carvalho, Y. M. de, Rovigatti do Prado, A., & Trevizan Alonso, A. (2013). Education in Physical Education in Brazil: other ways to think and to intervene in the public health system. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 15(1). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Yara Maria de Carvalho, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutora em Saúde Coletiva/Unicamp

Professora Associada

Departamento de Pedagogia do Movimento do Corpo Humano

Universidade de São Paulo