Fitball as an effective means of strengthening the physical health of preschool children
The article outlines the problem of pre-school children’s health preserving and strengthening. One of the ways to solve the problems of improving children’s health and preventing various diseases is proposed – fitball aerobics classes, as a type of fitness aerobics using large gymnastic balls – fitballs. The objective of this research is to characterize fitball-aerobics, as preschool children’s innovative means of physical education and to develop a methodology for the complex effects of fitball-aerobics exercises on the development of physical abilities of preschool children’s age in order to determine its effectiveness. The research was conducted in the period from 2016 to 2018 in educational organizations of preschool education in Chelyabinsk. Children of preschool age took part in the aged 5-7 years. A total of 40 children participated in the experiment, 20 people in the control group and other 20, in experimental one. The work done does not infringe on the rights and does not jeopardize the well-being of schoolchildren in accordance with the ethical standards of the Committee for the Rights of Experiments of the Helsinki Declaration. Parental consent to examine children was obtained. The developed and tested methodology for the complex effect of fitball-aerobics exercises on preschool children’s physical abilities development had a possitive impact.
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