Sex/Gender technologies in Artistic Gymnastics: the process of sexual differentiation of still rings, uneven bars and vault
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This article analyzes the development of artistic gymnastics and the sex/gender technologies that institute, operate and sustain the bicategorization of its apparatuses and events. Therefore, we think of this modality as one of the elements of the sport device, whose functioning is interdependent and complementary to the sex/gender device. Through bibliographical research and a historical cut that begins in the second half of the nineteenth century until the 2017–2020 Code of Points, we seek to highlight and problematize the process of differentiation of three artistic gymnastics apparatuses/events: still rings, strictly for men; uneven bars, created for women; and vault table, common for women and men. As a result, it has been found that the differentiation of apparatuses based on the sex/gender of the athlete reflects and responds to the maintenance needs of the social order of sex/gender and the sexual division of labor in each historical moment, thus operating as a normalizing instrument, in particular as regards sex/gender, the expressions of femininity and masculinity, and the arbitrary and compulsory character of the separation of men and women in sports competitions.
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