Motivations to continue practicing slackline: an analysis of trickline athletes
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People’s fascination with the art of funambulism has traversed generations and acquired new meanings over time. In contemporary times, the use of nylon straps arranged at varied heights marked the emergence of slackline, a sport that has attracted a large number of followers in recent decades. Despite this great popularity, it should be noted that, when some of the main research databases (Scielo, Web of Science, Scopus, SPORTDiscus and Science Direct) were consulted, little academic research was seen to have been conducted on the field, which shows the need for studies that address the practitioners of the sport, as well as its characteristics as a competitive physical activity. Thus, the aim of this study was to present and discuss the motivations to persist in slackline practice, more specifically, in the discipline of trickline. To obtain data, 14 male athletes were surveyed through semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed according to the prerogative of Bardin’s (2011) Content Analysis . The results showed the presence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors to continue slackline practice. It is therefore essential to distinguish these factors in order to meet the needs and desires of athletes to promote permanence in the sport over time.
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