Relational Psychomotricity: contributions in Physical Education Teacher Training
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In this paper we investigate the experiences lived by the first author in a pedagogical action of the Relational Psychomotricity discipline, offered for a Physical Education Degree course at a Federal University in the extreme South of Brazil, in order to understand the implications of these experiences in their teacher formation. To do this, we analyzed the narrative notes written in a field journal during the referred discipline, with support of the Narrative Investigation methodology and theoretical contribution from Lapierre (1997). In the analysis, three categories emerged: Fear and insecurity – planning and applying a Relational Psychomotricity action; Desire and care – in promoting pedagogy centered on the student and in the choice of materials that arouse attention and interaction among the participants; Interest and satisfaction – for experimenting and promoting different experiences of pedagogical approaches for the Physical Education teacher, as well as reflecting on their own training experiences.
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