Beliefs about Teaching styles of future coaches: a study in initial training in Physical Education
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Future coaches bring to initial training personal experiences capable of developing beliefs and influencing the acquisition of their knowledge. These beliefs about teaching determine the actions and procedures adopted in classes. We sought to identify the beliefs about the teaching styles of future coaches in initial training in Physical Education at a community institution in the state of Santa Catarina. This quantitative research, which included an intentional and non-probabilistic sample, collected data from translated and adapted version of an Instrument to collect teachers' beliefs about their teaching styles used in physical education with 42 future trainers. The results revealed that the practical teaching style was the most used among all participants. When considering only those future coaches with professional experience in mandatory and/or non-mandatory internships, the teaching style with the highest score showed divergent production, whereas among future coaches with experience as athletes, the most scored style was reciprocal. It is concluded that the future coaches investigated had beliefs more focused on reproduction styles.
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