Formal learning contexts of coaches at the national and international level of goalball
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This study analyzed the training of national and international goalball coaches, regarding formal learning contexts. The sample consisted of 81 goalball coaches from 23 countries and was divided into two groups: the first composed of 47 National Level Coaches (NNT) and the second one composed by 34 International Level Coaches (TNI). For the analysis of the multiple choice questions, descriptive statistics with mean ± SD were used. Among the results found, we highlight: related to gender, 76.5% of TNN and 85% TNI are male. Regarding formal contexts and mediated learning situations, 68% of TNN and TNI are graduates in Physical Education and 16% TNN and TNI in related areas. Related to the length of experience, national coaches have an average of 8 years while international coaches have an average of 13 years. We conclude that the formal context is relevant in the formation of goalball coaches in the two investigated levels.
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