Perception of factors that affect the participation and competition of female athletes in Para Powerlifting
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Most people with physical disabilities do not participate in sports regularly, and much less in performance sports. Therefore, knowledge about those factors that affect sports participation in the different sports offered is required. For this reason, the present study investigated the perception of these factors by women para athletes who practice Para Powerlifting, taking as a precedent that there has been less numerical growth in this population group over the years. For this purpose, 49para athletes from 13 countries participating in the Bogotá 2018 World Para Powerlifting “Americas Open Championships” were surveyed. It was possible to identify that the practice of Para Powerlifting is an important motivator due to its opportunity to achieve professional sports development. Barriers such as the lack of sports scenarios and specific adaptation according to the needs of people with disabilities and sports are highly perceived by the para athletes who additionally state that, at the governmental level, measures have been taken. However, more work is still needed to achieve the massification of para sport in the female population.
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