Ah... you're crazy. Approaches to the relationship between soccer and murga in San Carlos - Maldonado
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Affected by social and cultural studies on sports, in this collective project we investigate the production of identities in the city of San Carlos, Maldonado, from what football and murga generate in the culture of said city. There is a strong temporal and spatial relationship between both practices, which link local actors on a daily basis, with extra-local actors in the competition seasons, in an alternating intensity (winter for football and summer for murga) temporal relationship. The spatial relation is generated from the fact that the clubs have a shared offer of football and murga in their headquarters. Particularly, it is intended to respond to the tradition through football and murga and how this tradition is revived in the clubs of San Carlos. A notebook is included, guided by participant observation, to which interviews with institutional references and informal talks will be added. The objective is to identify the great situations and frontiers that express the cultural and social universes in their complex articulation and relationship. This work is located within the institutional framework of the University of the Republic, under the Student Research Support Program, and based on the contributions of the ongoing master's project “I was born singing goal. Football and murgas in Uruguay: identities and collective processes in the city of San Carlos de Maldonado.”
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