A produção do conhecimento da Educação Física sobre Educação Infantil como tema de pesquisa

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Victor Henrique Rodrigues Silva
Marcos Antonio Barros Filho
Yves de Holanda Batista de Miranda
José Pedro Sarmento
Carlos Augusto Mulatinho de Queiroz Pedroso


The aim of the study is to analyze the correlation between consumption behaviors and behavioral intentions, in addition to the influences that behavioral intentions have on the consumption behavior of fans from the main A-1 championship clubs in Pernambuco. To collect the sample of 620 responses, questionnaires were distributed on match days of the championship. For data analysis, Spearman correlation measures were adopted to observe the relationship between the two dimensions and, to observe the influences that one dimension has on the other, binary logistic regression was used. The results showed that there is a correlation between behavioral intentions and consumption behavior and that there are significant predictive relationships. Finally, studies of this theme in other contexts and modalities of the Brazilian scenario.


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Rodrigues Silva, V. H., Barros Filho, M. A., de Miranda, Y. de H. B., Sarmento, J. P., & de Queiroz Pedroso, C. A. M. (2021). A produção do conhecimento da Educação Física sobre Educação Infantil como tema de pesquisa. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 23(2), e173. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142561e173


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