Reading log: pedagogical device accompanying training university paths

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Marisa Fernández


This work is part of the research on teacher training in Physical Education, developed in Bariloche Regional University Center of the National University of Comahue (CRUB-UNCo). Due to the steady increase in the number of students who drop out of course of study on the first two years, projects thatfollow this line of investigation are seeking to question university teaching practices in this field, unravel their particular ways of production and to analyse their impact on the constitution of the formative stages of the students. In the research we have found evidence of a systematic teaching work to improve the learning and teaching conditions and have identified pedagogical devices, both at institutional and classroom levels, as resources for scaffolding student paths and different modes of reception of the students doing the introductory course. Here, we describe and analyse one of these devices, called "reading log" generated in Subject Pedagogy for the 1st year of the School of Physical Education of abovementioned University. This instrument is part of a series of pedagogical practices deliberately planned in connection with the entrance, continuity and graduation stages of undergraduate students; it aims to promote better contexts for the development of the educational processes. This device, created as a way of scaffolding the reading practices of the students, is thought to contribute to the promotion of democratic formative paths and attempts to provide new explanations, which would anchor the transformation and construction of new knowledge and would achieve better pedagogical interventions.


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How to Cite
Fernández, M. (2015). Reading log: pedagogical device accompanying training university paths. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 17(1). Retrieved from
Author Biography

Marisa Fernández, Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche- Universidad Nacional del Comahue

Prof en Ciencias de la Eduacion- Especialisa en Pedagogía de la  Formación. Docente e invesitgadora CRUB UNCo