Gymnastic at School. Gymnastic at School?
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The following work was presented as a result of a thesis workshop. It was a compulsory course of the master's programme in Corporal Education (FHCE - UNLP). This text is structured in such a way that it reflects the structure of the project. It contributes to the design of the thesis and to its development. The Thesis is about the impact of training college learning of gymnastics on formal education. A particular type of gymnastics has being taught for more than twenty years in the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of La Plata ( FHCE - UNLP).The aim of the research is to determine the significance of this type of gymnastics beyond the academic field. Our initial hypothesis is that gymnastics' contents do not provide a valuable contribution in the classes of Physical Education at schools. The purpose of this work is to understand, if the hypothesis is corroborated, these processes in which gymnastics activities are not included at schools, or when they are; they are scarce and generally are not perceived with the significance they have. By means of a qualitative approach it is tried to investigate the actors and the institutions involved during this process
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Lugüercho, S. H. (2008). Gymnastic at School. Gymnastic at School?. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 11, 139–152. Retrieved from
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