Junior soccer. Is it a work? Is it connected with fun? Does it require effort? Does it give pleasure? Is it a competition or is it a game? Is it related to sorrow or to glory?

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Fabián De Marziani


The aim of this work is to describe and explain the world of soccer focusing on children and everything that goes with it. It was thought by adults without taking into consideration that kids are the ones who actually play soccer. The text is based on the works made by S.Comisso and Bení­tez.


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How to Cite
De Marziani, F. (2007). Junior soccer. Is it a work? Is it connected with fun? Does it require effort? Does it give pleasure? Is it a competition or is it a game? Is it related to sorrow or to glory?. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 10, 29–44. Retrieved from https://efyc.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/EFyCv10a03