Gender, Sexuality, and training in Physical Education: teachers’ and students’ perception in a school project

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Gustavo de Oliveira Duarte
Felipe Barroso de Castro
Thaiane Bonaldo do Nascimento


This study aims at showing and discussing the perceptions of basic education teachers, especially in the area of Physical Education; and students (youths and teenagers), involved in a Project that thematized gender and sexuality at school. This is an initial research and, therefore, exploratory. Non structural observations were made during the school’s Project interventions, in which teachers and students’ opinions, placements and experiences about gender and sexuality were recorded and analyzed. The Project interventions took place in two moments: first, in an expository way, followed by a round table conversation, space reserved for dialogues and discussions. Overall, we realized that teachers had barely tackled these themes in class. Some teachers signal works when the topic comes up or in interdisciplinary Projects. Some students reported diverse conflicts on a daily basis at school, and overall, they expressed favorable opinions about diversities. We considered at the end of the research that the topics of gender and sexuality remain poorly explored both inside the school and throughout thePhysical Education teaching training course.


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de Oliveira Duarte, G., Castro, F. B. de, & Bonaldo do Nascimento, T. (2021). Gender, Sexuality, and training in Physical Education: teachers’ and students’ perception in a school project. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 23(1), e161.


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