Fasting aerobic exercise: professional prescription and opinion, and its practice by students of bodybuilding academies
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The aims were to investigate the prevalence of professional prescribing and interpretation the practice of fasting aerobic exercise by muscle training practitioners, and to compare the knowledge of teachers and practitioners about the potential benefits and risks of this practice. In the comparison, Fischer exact test was used. 110 practitioners and 8 teachers participated in the study. There was no report of prescription, while the prevalence of the current practice of fasting aerobic exercise was 16.4%. The main aim reported for practice was weight loss. With regard to the benefits, teachers reported in greater proportion that fasting aerobic exercise may promote health improvement. The divergence between the prevalence of professional prescribing and the practice of fasting aerobic exercise signals a probable lack of knowledge of the teachers about the way aerobic exercises are practised by practitioners in fitness centers. In addition, the knowledge of teachers about the potential risks of this practice needs to reach the practitioners of resistance training with the aim of informing them about the possibility of undesirable health events.
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