Declarative Tactical Knowledge of Tennis Coaches
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Abstract: This article describes the declarative tactical knowledge (DTK) presented by tennis coaches considering: pre-professional socialization; schooling; level of athletic performance; experience with the sport as a tennis player and coach; and place of professional action. The sample consisted of 31 coaches, men from the cities of Cuiabá and Londrina, with a mean age of 34,3 ±8,6, level of first or second class play in the state federations, characterized by acting as coaches for 10 years or more and graduates or postgraduates in Physical Education. The DTK was measured with the Declarative Tactical Knowledge Test for Tennis (TDTK:TN), with results analyzed using descriptive statistics and parametric inferential, with significance levels in pre-established p≤0,05. The data indicated significant differences among professionals with a higher level of play (first class, Perception, p=0,003; DTK, p=0,016); with overall experience (Decision Making, p=0,048; Perception, p=0,004; DTK, p=0,003), and/or experience as a coach (Perception, p=0,009) greater than or equal to 11; and depending on the city of work, with the coaches from Cuiabá getting higher results (Perception, p=0,001; DTK, p=0,001). The results reinforce the role of experience as an athlete and coach as an important learning source in the development of DTK for these professionals.
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