Educational sport and methodological procedures for emotional self-control
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Studies on the human mind have allowed the development of emotional self-mastery throughout the civilizing process. As part of the evolutionary process, historical maturation can be shaped from learning. The objective of this study was to identify the methodological procedures during the teaching-learning process that provide the development of emotional self-mastery in adolescents. In this perspective, the theoretical-historical for the control of the emotions of Elias and the theory of the emotional intelligence of Goleman were used. The present study is not based on a type of cross-sectional bibliographical research. The research was carried out in the Portal of Periodicals of CAPES, using the following terms: empathy in the classroom, self-control in the classroom, empathy and sports education and self-control and sports education. These were analyzed and compared with each other through an analysis matrix. Predominant emotional aptitudes were identified and, consequently, teaching-learning methodologies that provide the development of the emotional race track. It was possible to conclude that, as the teacher breaks the look of the background and helps the student be a part of the teaching-learning process, this moves away from the purely technical and tactical work, turning the inherent sport values real.
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