Factors associated with physical activity in visual impairment
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The aim is to verify the determining factors for the practice of regular physical activity in leisure in adults with visual impairment in Greater Florianópolis. A pre-structured and validated interview was applied in 168 visually impaired adults, members of one Association for Integration of the Blind. The results show that 44% are in the range recommended for BMI and 30% considered active, unlike these individuals in childhood, when 63% of them were considered active. In the analysis of odds ratios, it was found that adults with active behavior in childhood have a lower chance of being active in adult life, and those who have completed full or post-graduate education and were moderately active in childhood are more likely to be active than other adults with visual impairment. These results show a significant increase in sedentary lifestyle, overweight and obesity in this population segment, increasing the chances of developing chronic noncommunicable diseases.
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