Brief mental training in adolescents suffering from a non specific eating disorder who practice demanding habits of physical activity
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The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of a brief mental training program on the emotional condition, attitudes toward alimentation and physical activity levels in adolescents suffering from a Non Specific Eating Disorder who practise demanding habits of physical activity. A sample of eight Chilean female adolescents aged 15-17 years performed a brief mental training program for eight weeks one session per week: 1) Knowledge and establishment of objectives; 2) Focus and awareness of mind and body; 3) Psychobiological self-control; 4) Repositioning of the control locus; 5) Self-management and control of thoughts; 6-7) Refocusing and reframing of motivation, and 8) Generalization and responsible approach to the will. The Beck Depression Inventory, the Eating Attitudes Test EAT–26 and a brief interview about the practise levels and reasons of physical activity were applied before and after the program. The results confirmed the effectiveness of the mental training program on the emotional condition and attitudes toward alimentation and physical activity in the female adolescents intervened. A brief mental training program could be recommended as a therapeutic compliment in adolescents with these characteristics.
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