Anthropometric and Motor Performance of Cerebral Palsy Football Athletes
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Introduction: The Football 7 is intermittent sport which strength capacity is evidenced, making the evaluation of this and other capacities essential for achievement of sporting performance. Objective: The aim of study was to identify the anthropometric profile and the motor performance of the athletes from the Brazilian National Cerebral Palsy Football Team. Methods: The sample was composed of 16 athletes. The Anthropometric assessment was: weight, height, BMI, skinfolds and waist circumference. To the motor performance was: vertical jump tests, 10x5 meters agility test and RAST test. Results: The anthropometric variables showed: body mass (Kg) was 69.6 ±7.3, BMI was 19.9 ±1.9, sum of 9 skinfolds 88.3 ±34.8 and body fat percentage was 10.6 ±5.4. The motor performance showed: the agility test was 18.9 ±1.1, the countermovement jump was 33.4 ±8, the squat jump was 31.6 ±7.6 and average power was 6.3 ±1.5. Conclusion: The results showed suitable for high-performance athletes and the motor performance of them was influenced by their functional class.
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