Elderly evaluation through functional tests and walk test

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Franco Feijó
Artur Bonezi
Carolina Stefen
Patricia Polero
Renata Luísa Bona


Autonomy and independency are reduced by the ageing. Physical activity improved the muscle strength, flexibility, and self-select walking speed. Objetives: To compare the results of physical characteristics, functional tests and walking tests between sedentary and active lifestyle elderly groups; Methodology: Were assessed two elderly groups, both with 13 participants, and level activity self-reported, through five functional tests and two walking tests; Results: Active group presented greater abdominal circumference and waist-hip index. No differences were found for the functional and gait tests between the two groups. Differences intra-group were found with different equations: the Enright & Sherrill equation, 1998 and Troosters, Gosselink & Decramer, 1999 for the two groups; for the Enright equation, 2003 for the sedentary group. Conclusions: Only had difference between groups for two physical parameters. The intensity of physical activity should be systematic and monitored for to achieve the results and benefits of active lifestyle.


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How to Cite
Feijó, F., Bonezi, A., Stefen, C., Polero, P., & Bona, R. L. (2018). Elderly evaluation through functional tests and walk test. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 20(3), e054. https://doi.org/10.24215/23142561e054
Author Biography

Renata Luísa Bona, Universidad de la República (UDELAR)

Laboratorio de Investigación en Biomecánica y Análisis del Movimiento, Universidad de la República, Centro Universitario de Paysandú, CENUR Litoral Norte


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