Conceptual Spaces of the Professional Performance of the Physical Education Teacher: experience, practice and training

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Luis Alberto Linzmayer Gutiérrez


The Performance spaces of the Physical Education Teacher (Pérez Gallardo, appear to be a way to differentiate the responsibilities and objectives that the professional area should develop as indicated by the characteristics of their profession. In this work, it is emphasized that these spaces, while forming different conceptualizations in action, suffer a modification in its original expression. That ´s why, they are recognized, in this study, as conceptual spaces of performance. In their genesis, these spaces came to clarify and differentiate the complexity of pedagogical interventions of the Physical Education Teacher. This indicates that the competent initial training should help to recognize and adapt vocational action, identifying variables and concepts involved in each conceptual space and that these spaces should not be confused with physical ones.


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How to Cite
Linzmayer Gutiérrez, L. A. (2017). Conceptual Spaces of the Professional Performance of the Physical Education Teacher: experience, practice and training. Educación Física Y Ciencia, 19(2), e036.
Author Biography

Luis Alberto Linzmayer Gutiérrez, Universidad del Bio-Bio

Profesor de Educación Física

Magister en Pedagogía del Movimiento

Doctor en Educación Física y Sociedad

Académico de la Escuela de Educación Física; Departamento de ciencias de la educación; Facultad de educación y humanidades.


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